List of Accepted Papers

Full papers

Paper N. authors title
8 Otso Hannula and J. Tuomas Harviainen Efficiently Inefficient: Service Design Games as Innovation Tools
13 Daniel Carey, Paul Rodgers, Andy Tennant and Katie Dodd Mapping Care: A Case Study of Dementia Service Provision in the North East of England
15 Asbjørn Følstad and Knut Kvale Delightful or efficient? How service recovery affects customer experience
20 Giulia Teso and Andrew Walters Service implementation: a framework to assess readiness of manufacturing SMEs
22 Masanao Takeyama, Kahoru Tsukui, Hiroshi Yamaguchi and Kanako Matsuo Design-Driven Service Innovation: Introducing Techniques for Changing the Meaning of a Service
23 Josina Vink, Katarina Wetter-Edman, BÃ¥rd Tronvoll and Bo Edvardsson Understanding the Influence of the Co-Design Process on Well-Being
24 Annita Fjuk, Birgitte Yttri and Knut Kvale Preparing the organisation for change by using service concepts
27 Yi-Fang Yang, Shu-Shiuan Ho and Tung-Jung Sung Co-Creating Value: Customer Engagement through Virtual and Physical Channels
31 Jotte De Koning, Marcel Crul and Renee Wever Models of co-creation
36 Francesca Rizzo, Alessandro Deserti and Onur Cobanli Service Design in public sector: boosting organisational change through design
40 Mika Yasuoka-Jensen and Takahito Kamihira How participation is practiced? –Extension of Participatory Design Model
47 Johan Blomkvist and Annita Fjuk Low Threshold Service Design: Desktop Walkthrough
48 Dimitra Chasanidou and Amela Karahasanovic Visibility of ethics for open innovation platforms
52 Daniela Sangiorgi, Jung-Joo Lee, Deniz Sayar, Don Allen and Nick Frank Moving towards Service Dominant Logic in Manufacturing Sector: Development of a Tool for Inquiry
61 Johan Blomkvist, Tim Overkamp and Stefan Holmlid Research in the First Four Service Design and Innovation (ServDes) Conferences
62 Fábio Evangelista Santana, Luiz Lopes Lemos Júnior, Ivo Rodrigues Montanha Junior, Marcelo Gitirana Gomes Ferreira and Fernando Antônio Forcellini A service development process framework for services including people with disabilities
63 Jorik Hepworth, Ingrid Mulder and Maaike Kleinsmann Design for Liveability: Connecting Local Stakeholders as Co-creative Partnerships
65 Mark Green, Paul Rodgers and Andy Tennant Disrupting Service Design
67 Heloisa Candello, Claudio Pinhanez, David Millen and Silvia Bianchi Applying service design tools to explore new financial services for poor microbusiness owners
69 John Magnus Roos

Democracy and Design in Sweedish Personal Assistance

70 Yoonyee Pahk, James Self and Joonsang Baek A Value based Approach to Co-designing Symbiotic Product-Service System solution
71 Tim Overkamp and Stefan Holmlid Views on Implementation and How They Could Be Used in Service Design
72 Ida Maria Haugstveit, Ragnhild Halvorsrud and Amela Karahasanovic Supporting redesign of C2C services through customer journey mapping
74 Johan Blomkvist, Simon Clatworthy and Stefan Holmlid Ways of seeing the design material of service
75 Laura Warwick and Robert Young The role of Design as a critical friend to Voluntary Community Sector
77 Nina Costa, Lia Patrício and Nicola Morelli Revisiting PSS and Service design approaches in the light of the Service logic
80 Sumit Pandey and Swati Srivastava Knowledge brokers in service design: lessons from organizational studies
83 Jos van Leeuwen, Dick Rijken, Iefke Bloothoofd, Eefje Cobussen, Bram Reurings and Rob Ruts Thematic Research in the Frame Creation Process
84 Katrin Mathis and Felix Köbler Data-Need Fit – Towards data-driven business model innovation
90 Carla Cipolla, Maíra Prestes Joly, Beatriz Watanabe, Fernanda Zanela and Márcia Tavares Service design for social innovation: the promotion of active aging in Rio de Janeiro
95 Jocelyn Bailey A view from the other side: UK policymaker perspectives on an emergent design culture
97 Helena Polati Trippe, Lais de Almeida and Iban Benzal Munoz Towards diffuse forms of public governance: service design, open data and disruption in the private rented market
98 Christina Knudsen and Emilie Møllenbach Strategic implementation of design thinking: A task model for the design professional
99 Giulia Calabretta, Christine De Lille and Caroline Beck Service Design for Effective Implementation of New Services
102 Eunji Lee Service Design Challenge: Transitioning From Concept to Implementation
109 Sanya Khanna and Shaon Sengupta People Centred Healthcare Service Delivery – By People for People
117 Nicola Morelli and Amalia de Götzen Service Dominant Logic. Changing perspective, revising the toolbox
118 Zagros Hatami and Tuuli Mattelmäki Facilitating service interactions with design games

Short  papers

Paper N. authors title
10 Alastair Macdonald, Colin Macduff, David Loudon and Susan Wan Service ecology: design issues for hospital infection prevention and control training
38 Gert Pasman Design fiction as a service prototyping approach
39 Jan Eckert Empowering Stakeholders – Simulation Games as a Participatory Method
51 Lara Clare Casciola, Maria Crucera Vasco, Esben Grøndal, Andreas Jonsson, Nicola
Morelli, Amalia de Götzen
Overlapping research and design phases through participatory startegies
54 Mattias Arvola and Stefan Holmlid Service Design Ways to Value-in-Use
56 Yvonne Yeo, Jiaying Chew and Jung-Joo Lee Towards Sustainable Impact after University-Government Design Projects: Case of Worker Services in Singapore
64 Stefan Holmlid and Petra Björndal Mapping what actors know when integrating resources: Towards a Service Information Canvas
81 Maja FrögÃ¥rd Negotiating matters – perspectives, material and format supporting agonistic pluralism in community planning
88 Katarina Wetter Edman and Lisa Malmberg Experience and expertise: key issues for developing innovation capabilities through service design
94 Yong Se Kim A Representation Framework of Product-Service Systems for Classification of Manufacturing Servitization Processes and Design Support
105 Bertil Lindenfalk and Andrea Resmini Blended spaces, cross-channel ecosystems, and the myth that is service
114 Adam Thorpe, Alison Prendiville and Kathryn Oliver Learning together by doing together – building local government design capacity through collaboration with design education

Case Presentations

Paper N. authors title
34 Anya Ernest and Katarina Wetter-Edman Exploring the pupil-student transition through customer journeys
42 Robin Oosterholt and Lianne Simonse Service Pathway: a Case Study of Business Model Design in Healthcare
44 Antonio Starnino, Clio Dosi and Matteo Vignoli Designing the future, Engineering Reality: Prototyping in the Emergency Department
73 Paola Pierri, Laura Warwick and Jake Garber Embedding design in a mental health network
79 Sasha Abram, Bianca Mediati and Sabina Popin Current States: mapping relational geographies in service design