Paper No.10 Service ecology: design issues for hospital infection prevention and control training

Paper No.10

Service ecology: design issues for hospital infection prevention and control training
Alastair S.Macdonald, Colin Macduff, David Loudon, Susan Wan

Training in appropriate infection prevention and control (IPC) measures is crucial in minimising the incidence of hospital associated infections (HAIs), a growing cause of patient illness and death in hospital. This paper describes the co-­‐development of visualisation tools intended to form part of a digital tablet-­‐based training package for hospital-­‐based staff across a number of roles. It argues that, in a typically hierarchical organisation, taking a cross-­‐cohort approach to developing tools to raise awareness and understanding of IPC and HAIs recognises the complex service ecology of behaviours, relationships, the environment and the organization, and introduces a democratic, open innovation approach to developing IPC training materials.