Payment via wire transfer
Thank you for your interest in attending ServDes.2018 conference!
As PayPal is our main payment platform, we highly recommend you to follow the registration form and purchase your ticket by using this system. You may also pay with a card without having a PayPal account, by clicking the “Pay with a card” button you may see after filling in the form.
If you have additional requirements, you may purchase your ticket via wire transfer. To do so, please follow these instructions:
1) Be sure that you fill in the registration form until reaching the PayPal screen, then just close the window. This will allow us to keep track of your data in our system.
2) You may then proceed with the payment through your bank system, considering the fee you registered in the form.
Please indicate: “SERV-DES subscription for NameSurnameâ€
Headed to: S.c.r.l..
Address: Via Durando 38/A
20158, Milano, Italia
VAT code: IT12878090153
Bank account information:
SWIFT code: POSO IT 22
Bank account: 10075X08
IBAN: IT19H0569601620000010075X08
Bank name: Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Bank address: Via Bonardi, 4, Milano, Italia
3) Send an email to confirming your payment.
If you have further questions regarding the registration to the conference, please write an email toÂ