ServDes2012 was divided into 3 days entitled pre-conference, research, and business.

Pre-conference day

The preconference day provided a workshops tour led by B.Sc. students throughout the metropolitan area. Partners who co-created these workshops were: WeeGee Exhibition Centre, TBWA, Design Reform Ltd, Atwork, Terveystalo Ltd., Aalto University, Aleksander theather & Workplayexperience, Hanken School of Economics, and Hanasaari. The Service Design Journey ended at BioRex at Lasipalatsi, where participants gathered to share their experiences and enjoy refreshments.

Research day

The research day followed a more traditional format. The day started with key note by Chris Pearson (Cambridge Service Alliance). Then 3 selected research papers were presented for the whole audience. After lunch, the audience broke into parallel tracks. Gripping Martti Vannas, the Master of Ceremony, hosted the GalaDinner at The House of Nobility.

Business day

The business day addressed more business and professional oriented matters and professionals. We had three Scandinavian key note speakers in the morning: Professor Evert Gummeson from Stockholm University School of Business, Anne Stenros, Vice President Design at Kone Corporation and Anna Thygesen from Prime Time Kommunikation. Further, we had several workshops and an interactive Business Bazaar.

Co-creating Services

Laurea University of Applied Sciences hosted the 2012 edition of ServDes Conference. Laurea SID Leppävaara campus is located in World Design Capital 2012 area, Espoo, next to Helsinki.

The theme of ServDes2012 was co-creating services. This 3rd ServDes Conference was held as part of the World Design Capital activities and one of the biggest events in the category of Encounters (“Kohtaamisia”). ServDes.2012 practically kicked off the World Design Capital Year 2012 in metropolitan Helsinki.

ServDes.2012 interested 276 registered persons. Over 20 different nationalities worldwide were present.


Paper category
Aro, P., Heinonen, M., Parkkola, T., Vironmäki, E., Ahola, H., Iso-Aho, J.,
Järvelä, M-L., Kerola, R., Reijonen, K. & Vuorela. T.
Co-Learning Service Design within the PALI Project
Agudelo, N., Flechas, A. & Antolínez, LCo-created tools for teaching, learning and designing services in Colombia:
Facilitating interdisciplinary learning in service design innovation
Arvola, M., Blomkvist, J., Holmlid, S. & Pezone, G.A Service Walkthrough in Astrid Lindgren's Footsteps
Bailey, S., G. Embedding service design: the long and the short of it: Developing an organisation's
design capacity and capability to sustainably deliver services
Blomkvist, J., Åberg, J. & Holmlid, S.
Service Walkthrough to Support Service Development
ten Bhömer, M., Tomico, O., Kleinsmann, M., Kuusk, K. & Wensveen, S. Designing Smart Textile Services through value networks, team mental models and
shared ownership
Cantù, D., Corubolo, M. & Simeone, G. A Community Centered Design approach to develop service prototypes
Carlsson, B. The Ethical Ecology of Service Design - an explorative study on ethics in user
research for service design
Guseynova, N. Emotions in design process: How to find an emotional touchpoint with the user
Henze, L., Mulder, I., Stappers, P., J. & Rezaei, B. Right Service & Service Right: How collaborating heterogeneous networks at the front end of service development benefit the process to get the service right
Holmlid, S. The first case experience of designing for service
Kaptelinin, V. & Uden, L. Understanding delegated actions: Toward an activity-theoretical perspective on customer-centered service design
Kim. Y. S., Lee, S. W., Kim, S. R., Jeong, H. & Kim, J. H. A Product-Service Systems Design Method with Integration of Product Elements and Service Elements Using Affordances
Kronqvist, J., Järvinen, M. & Leinonen, T. Games as Design Medium: Utilizing Game Boards for Design Enquiry with Cancer Patients
Kwon, O., van Boeijen, A. Co-designing an SMS service for London’s homeless people: Considerations for designers engaging with a vulnerable user group
Molinari, F. User Experience Analysis in Service Co-Creation: A Living Lab Approach
Negri, A-L., Trousse, B. & Senach, B. Ideation of IoT services with citizen: coupling GenIoT and AloHa! methods
Nisula, J-V. Searching for Definitions for Service Design – What do we mean with Service
Näkki, PService co-design using online ideation and face-to-face testing: Case City Adventure
Patrício, L. & Fisk, R. P. Giving Voice to Service Design in the Management Boardroom: Strengthening the Connection between Service Design and Management
Peethambaran, A. Developing ICT based services for Intellectually Disabled People
Pries, J. F. F., van Boeijen, A., G. C. & van der Lugt, R.Deep inside friendly territory: Involving remote co-researchers to understand global users
Rasila, H. Using employee insights in fine-tuning the customer experience
Rontti, S., Miettinen, S., Kuure, E. & Lindström, A.A Laboratory Concept for Rapid Service Prototyping: Service Innovation Corner (SINCO)
Sandberg, F.Co-creating collaborative food service opportunities through work context maps
Sangiorgi, D., Fogg, H., Johnson, S., Maguire, G., Caron, A. &
Vijayakumar, L.
Think Services: Supporting manufacturing companies in their move toward services
Takeyama, M., Tsukui, K., Yamaguchi, H. & Motai, G. Takeyama, M., Tsukui, K., Yamaguchi, H. & Motai, G.
Tanghe, J. The rebirth of the SERVQUAL gaps model in service design
Trischler, J & Sinnewe, E. The concept of on-going interactions in co-design: Insights from three different disciplines
Yip, M., H., Phaal, R. & Probert, D. R.
Value co-creation in early stage new product-service system development