Paper No.62: A service development process framework for services including people with disabilities
Paper No.62
A service development process framework for services including people with disabilities
Fábio Evangelista Santana, Luiz Lopes Lemos Júnior, Ivo Rodrigues Montanha Junior, Marcelo Gitirana Gomes Ferreira, Fernando Antônio Forcellini
The service sector participation has become increasingly representative in the world economy. Thus, it becomes necessary to invest in research related to processes for the proper development of these services, starting from reference processes, represented by models. Its importance is emphasized even more in multidisciplinary areas, such as the Assistive Technology. To contribute in this sense, this paper has as a main objective to develop a framework for the services development process for People with Disabilities. The two main methodologies used were the exploratory research, for the literature review, and the theoretical and conceptual approach, to obtain the framework. The framework presented as a result was developed based on existing models, the elements of the Service- System, Assistive Technology-System and on the principles of Universal Design. From the framework, it is expected to obtain reference models for the services development process for People with Disabilities.