ServDes2009 was divided into 3 days entitled business, crossover, and research.
Business day
Themes of the first day included how Service Design can be used for public and tourist services, to encourage behavioural change, and transitioning from a product focus to a service focus. Speakers included Lavrans Løvlie from Live|work, Jay Parkinson from Hello health, Marc Stickdorn from MCI, and Richard White from User Voice.
Crossover day
The second day featured many interesting workshops and topics such as methods, education, design thinking and leadership, prototyping services, and how to capture customer input.
Research day
On the last day, a lot of interesting presentations were given on topics with both applied and theoretical focus. Over 50 abstracts were submitted and the quality and relevance were high for the presented works. This was the first complete day dedicated to Service Design research.
There was of course also a lot of things happening around the conference as well, a co-created tapas dinner, a visit to the beautiful opera-house, and an exhibition set outside the conference rooms. The participants have also documented some of the conference on blogs such as: Joyce S R Yee, last year’s organisers, Qin Han, Fergus Bisset.
DeThink Service
ReThink Design
The first Nordic Service Design and Service Innovation Conference was held in Oslo, Norway, 24th-26th of November and chaired by Prof. Simon Clatworthy. It offered a venue for investigating the legacy brought from other design disciplines as well as opening up towards other fields. By De-thinking Services we mean to not only challenge the traditional models of services, but also to bring the process of design-thinking to the creation of and implementation of services. At the same time, Service Design challenges us to Re-think Design and its role since design is becoming strategic, system oriented and holistic. This new approach requires a deeper understanding of design, business and other professional disciplines.