What we would like to share with you
We live in a rapid changing world with ever advancing and high potential technologies. We face depletion of our main energy sources and many other ecological and economical crises. The world as we know it, demands breakthrough societal innovations which will benefit current and future generations, which will stabilize and nurture economical growth and which will respect and optimize this planet.
Needless to say, the success of societal innovation lies in transcending (organizational) boundaries and combining available knowledge to find and seize opportunities. We see there’s an increasing need for professionals who can bridge gaps between different disciplines in societal innovation projects. These professionals should possess skills which are originally attributed to designers. We would like to discuss with you the skills or elements which are characteristic to the designerly approach.
Is this session for you
When you share this vision and are in any way experienced (may it be practical or scientific) or curious about defining this designerly approach you’re more than welcome.
A card set with elements of the designerly approach has been derived from literature and we will use this as input to engage in a discussion. We might come up with a more detailed program so you can choose which part of the discussion you want to be part of.
Wat do we do
We’re currently involved in research developing a designerly approach for innovation across organizational boundaries. The goal is to improve the collaboration of networks in innovation projects.
How to participate
You can meet us in room 2 at the unconference day, but if you have any questions or input beforehand, drop (one of) us a line at twitter via @kbergema or @jannekesluijs. We’ll try to use hashtag #designerlyapproach at the unconference.
You will meet
Rianne Valkenburg, who is working on and in innovation and product design for 15 years. Currently as a professor of product innovation at The Hague University of applied sciences and as a program director of Design Initiatief.
Katinka Bergema, who is an Industrial Design Engineer (Strategic Product Design) and is doing her PhD at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. She is interested in how a designerly approach can be instrumental in the collaboration between the team members in networked innovation.
Janneke Sluijs, who is a Human Technology Engineer, researching methods and designing education at The Hague University. She has a high interest in creativity and innovation and loves to talk to passionate people.
/Janneke Sluijs